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Romance Novel "The Perfect Shoot"

One night while looking for information on Umid Yuldashev, I stumbled across a romance novel writer's blog.  In her blog, she mentions the inspirations that she uses for her romance novels.  Lo and behold, she mentioned Umid's name as the inspiration for her book "The Perfect Shoot".  He is the inspiration for the character, "Yushka".  You can read her blog at http://leabronsen.com/2014/11/20/the-inspiration-behind-my-book-characters/.  

The book is available in Kindle form at http://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Shoot-Model-Mine-Book-ebook/dp/B00O940CLA.  If you do not have a kindle, there are kindle apps available for your smartphone, tablet and even computer.  Check out the preview.  You'll want to download this after reading the preview and, of course, Umid as the inspiration in this book.  I'm not the type to read romance novels, but this is one book that I'm considering buying.

Note:  The model on the cover is not Umid.

Let me know what you think ladies.  Enjoy.

- Elizabeth (Admin)

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